Media Q&A: What retirement income should I be targeting, and how can I hit that target?


Published  12 June 2023
   2 min read

Consumer Question:

I have been saving into my work pension, which is a defined contribution scheme, for the last five years. However, I am not sure if I’m saving up for the right pension. What retirement income should I be targeting, and how can I hit that target?


Answer from Mark Reilly, Pension Proposition Lead at Royal London Ireland

The key to building up a suitable pension for retirement is to start saving early and to save enough into it to fund a comfortable lifestyle at retirement. Before deciding how much you need to save into a pension, decide what kind of income you want when you retire – and then set this as your target pension. Most Financial Brokers recommend you aim to have an annual income equivalent to between 50pc and 66pc of your final salary on retirement, but you may need more or less than this, depending on your own financial circumstances.

Once you set your target pension, there are tools available to allow you to estimate the contributions you need to pay into your pension to hit that target. The Pensions Authority has a useful calculator on its website that allows you to do this. 

You can consider taking full advantage of anything that will make it easier for you to save up the pension you will need in retirement – including the tax relief on pension contributions and the company pension scheme available to you. With some defined contribution work pension schemes, the more you pay into your pension, the more your employer will pay



This question was submitted to and first published by The Irish Independent


About Royal London Ireland

Royal London Ireland has a history of protecting its policyholders and their families, and it is committed to continue to do so for a long time to come. Our businesses heritage in Ireland is almost 200 years starting when the Caledonian Insurance Company's first office opened on Dame Street, Dublin 2 in 1824. Today, Royal London Ireland is owned by The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited – the UK’s largest mutual life insurance, pensions and investment company, and in the top 30 mutuals globally, with assets under management of €187 billion, 8.5 million policies in force, and over 4,200 employees. Figures quoted are as at 31 December 2023.

Royal London Ireland’s office is based at 47-49 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.